here's a tmi General Info: :PP 1. Real name: Hannah 2. Nickname: Anna or Owen 3. Favorite color(s): Blue, Purple, Gray, & Black. 4. Gender: Female, but I could care less of what you refer to me as. :> 5. Race: Norwegian + Scandinavian + Puerto Rican. 6. Age: 16. 7. Sexuality: Bisexual. 8. Introvert or Extrovert: Introvert. 9. Hair color: Brown with blonde natural highlights. 10. Tall or Short: Tall, I am 5'11. 11. Sweats or Jeans: Sweats. 12. Phone or Camera: Phone, iPhone5C. 13. Health Freak: Yep. 14. Orange or Apple: Oranges. 15. Do you have a crush on someone: No. 16. Guy friends or Girl friends: Both. 17. Piercings: 8. (4 on each ear) 18. Pepsi or Coke: I don't drink soda, so neither. 19. Have you been in an airplane and how many times: Yeah & around 10 times. 20. Have you been in a relationship: Twice. 21. Have you been in a car accident: Yes. 22. Have you been in a fist fight: No. 23. First piercing: I was 3. 24. Best friend: Online = @Coastic @Mvdi @Bailxy @Voguified @Methylone @Sherbii @Fruit1k 25. First award: Never had one. 26. First crush: N/A 27. First word: Apple. 28. Any talent: Writing music + choreographing + drawing + vandalizing things. 29. Last person you talked to: My sister. 30. Last person you texted: @Mvdi 31. Last person you watched a movie with: My friend Tris. 32. Last thing you ate: Oranges 33. Last movie/TV show you watched: The Fosters 34. Last song you listened too: Endless Skies - Mokhov 35. Last thing you bought: Twix candy. 36. Last person you hugged: My cat. Favorite: 37. Food(s): Lasagna, Hot Chips, Fish n' Chips, Cheese Fries, Nachos, Queso, Meat Loaf, ANY Chinese Food. 38. Drink(s): Black Coffee, Sweet Tea, Herbal Tea, Lingonberry Tea, Peach Seltzer, and Water. 39. Fruit(s): Peaches, Pears, Apples, Lemons, Oranges, Raspberries, Blackberries, & basically every other fruit. 40. Flower: White rose. 41. Animal(s): Wolves, Ravens, Lions, Monkeys, Bobcats, Dogs, Snakes, & Tigers. 42. Color: ^^^^^^^ Said it above 43. Movie: Divergent, Titanic, 21 Jump Street, 22 Jump Street, Mallcop, Shrek, Lion King, Every DISNEY Movie, ALL grown ups movies, oh and EVERY pixar movie, and The Host. 44. Subject: Math & History. 45. Sport: Soccer & Volleyball 46. Sports Team: Carolina Panthers 47. Book: Divergent & The Host. 48. City: Oslo, Los Angeles, Santa Cruz, San Diego, Charlotte, & San Francisco. 49. Country: Norway 50. Song: Long Way Home - Gareth Emery (and many more) Have you ever? :t: 51. Fallen in love with someone: Yes. 52. Celebrated Halloween: Yes. 53. Had your heart broken: Yes. 54. Went over the minutes/texts on your phone: Yes. 55. Had someone like you: Yes. 56. Hated the way someone change: Yes. 57. Got in trouble with the police: Yes. 58. Had a party: Yes. 59. Did something you regret: Yes. 60. Broken a promise: No. 61. Hidden a secret: Yes. 62. Pretend to be happy: Yes. 63. Pretended to be sick: Yes. 64. Left the country: Yes. 65. Tried something you'd normally never try and liked it: Yes. 66. Cried over the silliest thing: Yes. 67. Ran a Mile: I try and run 3 a day, so Yes. 68. Gone to the beach with your best friend: No. 69. Gotten into an argument with your friends: Yes. 70. Disliked someone: Yes. 71. Stayed single for two years since the first time you had a bf/gf or been single forever: No. Currently: :> 72. Eating: Popcorn. 73. Drinking: Blackberry Seltzer. 74. Listening to: Statement - NF 75. Sitting or laying: Sitting. 76. Plans for today: It's 11:46 PM so nothing. 77. Waiting for: Tuesday bc discount chocolate 78. Want kids: 2 of em. 79. Want to get married: Yes. 80. Want to travel: Yeah to every country. What do you look for in a partner? 81. Lips or Eyes: Eyes. 82. Shorter or Taller: Taller. 83. Younger or Older: Older. 84. Romantic Or Spontaneous: Romantic. 85. Trouble-maker or Hesitant: Trouble-maker. 86. Hook up or relationship: Both. 87. Looks or personality: Both. Have you ever? 88. Lost glasses: No. 89. Snuck out of the house: Yes. 90. Held a gun/knife in self defense: No. 91. Killed somebody: No. 92. Broken somebodies heart: Probably. 93. Been in love: Yes. 94. Cried when someone dies: Yes. Do you believe in? :smilingimp: 95. Yourself: No. 96. Miracles: Sorta. 97. Love at first sight: Yes. 98. Heaven: No. 99. Santa Claus: No. 100. Aliens: Yes. 101. Ghost/Angels: Yes to Ghosts, No to Angels. Truthfully? 102. Is there one person you really want to be with right now? Yes. 103. Do you know who your real friends are? Yes. 104. Do you believe in God? I believe there is a God, but not the God everyone talks about. 105. Do you easily make friends? No. kkkkkk