Seen you a couple of times. You seem to be active on forums, but I have never seen you in game, maybe I will see you
When I first saw you, you seemed like a helpful, and nice player. Since then, my opinion of you has improved dramatically. Good person, very helpful, much awesome.
Don't know you too well tbh. You seem to be nice, it would be cool to get to know you more. Oi DCM I never really saw you in game before you were promoted, because I had quit right about the same time you joined. But, I will say as a Moderator, you are doing a fine job. It's great to have you on the staff team ;) Niiight You were pretty active before mod, and I really liked you in game and on forums. I figured it was just a matter of time before you were promoted, and I was right :D Gr8 person 8/8 Don't change bud ;)
I, personally love you. You are a great and friendly person. You've got a supportive personality, and a nice nature in general. Do me one favor though, stop being depressed ;-; <3