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  • Mega's 100 and AMA

    Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Mega_, Apr 7, 2016.

    1. Mega_

      Mega_ Boss Member

      Aug 1, 2014
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      1.Real name: Jack.
      2. Nickname: Judgmental Jack. (idk wtf there on about)
      3. Favorite colour: Bright and dark purples. The dull whitish purples are the definition of retarded.
      4. Gender: Male.
      5. Race: White.
      6. Age: 16.
      7. Sexuality: Straight.
      8. Introvert or Extrovert: Introvert.
      9. Hair colour: Brown.
      10. Tall or short: Almost 6ft so pretty small.
      11. Sweats or jeans: Jeans.
      12. Phone or camera: Ps4.
      13. Health freak: fk no.
      14. Orange or apple: Banana.
      15. Do you have a crush on someone: Sasha Grey.
      16. Guy friends or girl friends: Both kinda.
      17. Piercings: Yeah.
      18. Pepsi or coke: Cherry pepsi max.
      19 Ever been on a plane: About 25 times to the same place.
      20. Have you been in a relationship: Not a serious one.
      21. Have you been in a car accident: No
      22. Have you been in a fist fight: Too many to count. Nothing more fun than fighting it out or getting your kicked.
      23. First piercing: One of my ears can't remember which or if it was both.
      24. First fight: In Year 2 someone was bulling my little brother so I stuck up for him.
      25. First crush: Tori Black.
      26. First word: Idfk.
      27. Any flaws: No I'm pretty amazing.
      28. Any talent: Making friends. If you don't understand that is sarcasm then you really need to be off of the interwebs.
      29. Last person you talked to: Squeakers on bo3.
      30. Last person you texted: Group chat on skype.
      31. Last person you watched a movie with: Myself.
      32. Last thing you ate: Fish and chips.
      33.Last movie/ TV show you watched: Focus.
      34. Last song you listened to: .
      35. Last fight you had: Broke my watch ;-;.
      36. Last person you hugged: My dogs.

      37. Food: Toffees.
      38. Drink: Relentless or PinaColadas.
      39. Fruit: Pinaapple.
      40. Flower: Rose
      41. Animal: dog i guess
      42. Colour: Purple.
      43. Movie: Kingsman: The Secret Service. Guardians Of The Galaxy. Ted 2
      44. Subject: Geography.
      45. Sport: Call Of Duty
      46. Sports Team: Focus snipping from bo. They all their channels and vids deleted when they disbannded tho :/
      47. Book: The Profession of Violence: The Rise and Fall of the Kray Twins.
      48. City: Compton.
      49. Country: Canada or Russia.
      50. Song: Don't really have one so I'll just go with airplane..

      •Have you ever? (Answer Yes or No)
      45. Fallen in love with someone: Said I have but not really meant it.
      46. Celebrated Halloween: Hell yeah scaring all the little kids is too funny.
      47. Had your heart broken: Yeah.
      48. Went over the minutes/ texts on your phone: Yeah $438.69 (being serious not put .69 as a joke. I remember because I had to sell everything I got for Christmas to pay it off) me and @MR_B3N_123 pissing about on my phone. He might remember but not too sure.
      49. Had someone like you: I don't know.
      50. Hated the way someone changed: Yeah.
      51. Got in trouble with police: Too many times.
      52. Had a party: Don't like anyone enought to invite to a party.
      53. Did something you regret: Joining this server.
      54. Broken a promise: Not to anyone I like.
      55. Hidden a secret: Yes but if someone called me a liar I'd tell them the secret.
      56. Pretend to be happy: Yeah I had to stand next to a girl... who shall not be named...
      57. Met someone who has changed your life: Not really
      58. Pretended to be sick: Yeah.
      59. Left the country: Yeah.
      60. Tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked it: Yeah.
      61. Cried over the silliest thing: I used to be a cry baby.
      62. Ran a mile: Once. Cba running, live life relaxed.
      63. Gone to the beach with your best friend: Kinda only if we both went at the same time.
      64. Gotten into an argument with your friends: Everyday.
      65. Disliked someone: Defiantly.
      66. Stayed single for two years since the first time you had a bf/gf or been single forever: Single life for life.

      67. Eating: Fish and Chips.
      68. Drinking: Relentless.
      69. Listening to: Netflix.
      70. Sitting or laying: laying.
      71. Plans for today: Not suitable to say to younger people.
      72. Waiting for: Nothing.
      73. Want kids: Hate kids, but the bloodline has to pass down.
      74. Want to get married: Hell no. Women cost too much money
      75. Want to travel: Canada, Alaska, Russia.

      •What do you look for in a partner?
      76. Lips or eyes: Not the face I'm looking at.. Jokes, eyes.
      77. Shorter or taller: Shorter.
      78. Younger or older: Older, younger is kinda pedophilia.
      79. Romantic or spontaneous: Don't really care.
      80. Trouble-maker or hesitant: Both.
      81. Hook up or relationship: Don't really care.
      82. Looks or personality: Both. We all know that all blondes are dumb.

      •Have you ever:
      83. Lost glasses: I broke someones glasses once if that counts.
      84. Snuck out of the house: Not snuck out just walked out.
      85. Held a gun/ knife in self defence: Not going to answer that.
      86. Killed somebody: Plenty.
      87. Broke someone's heart: If they have then it's there own fault for jumping to conclusions or getting too close.
      88. Been in love: Yes Miss Tori Black.
      89. Cried when someone dies: Once a year ago, my Granddad.

      •Do you believe in:
      90. Yourself: Not really. I don't understand why people say I have a big ego.
      91. Miracles: Yeah.
      92. Love at first sight: It's proven to not exist. If you think about the first time you met someone you automatically get the "love" feeling.
      93. Heaven: No.
      94. Santa Claus: Only if I'm with my nephews or younger cousins.
      95. Aliens: Yeah.
      96. Ghosts/ angels: A little.

      97. Is there one person you really want to be with right now: Myself.
      98. Do you know who your real friends are: Jack and Josh from school and @MR_B3N_123.
      99. Do you believe in God: No if he was here all the rapists, and animal abusers would be, lets just say not here...
      100. Do you easily make friends: I have a erm.. unique.. personality.

      If you have any questions, feel free to fire on.
    2. babyboynitro

      babyboynitro Experienced Member

      Sep 9, 2015
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    3. Benko

      Benko Boss Member

      Aug 12, 2014
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    4. baile y

      baile y Well-Known Member

      Feb 7, 2016
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    5. Calli

      Calli Boss Member

      Feb 2, 2016
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      How 6ft small? ;-;

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