Since everyone was doing it, I didn't want to miss out. This is Samantha, my girlfriend. She likes to walk on the beach and do belly flops. She is the most beautiful Walrus I have ever seen. Someday, i'm going to marry her.
I am pretty sure the first two pictures are male walruses due to the longer tusks... But whatever makes you happy. I am not a walrus so who am I to judge?
She's a female. I told her to get a tusk pedicure but she doesn't want to. The third picture was after the procedure so she's good. I'm very happy for who she is, thanks ;)
Hell no, you ain't stealing this girl. I'll use my newly trained martial arts that I learned from walrus monks on the highest mountain in Antartica.
I will find you, and I will kill you. Get ready nub, i'm going to slap you soooo hard with my flippers.