Please make mass "msging"... against the rules or restrict access to it, It is ruining the reply feature, and can leak secret information if you accidentally /r to someone after a person has mass msged. -ReeseSW
I remember when Skygrid was released, we had a team of mass spammers, all of which, banned. Shortly afterward, Gwism said that mass messaging is bannable. If you catch anybody mass messaging, report them.
It's true, it starting to freak me out cause i always see jbobsnake mass msg that everyone shoul visit hus shop! Hopefully they can remove it! *bump*
This is rather annoying when I join survival and get bombarded by 20 people saying "plz give me money"
If you are using Windows, hit the search bar, and type in %appdata%. From there, click .minecraft, and find the folder labeled screenshots.
@ReeseSW Go to your desktop and click help in the top left corner. A search bar should pop up. From there, type library. click it. then in that folder, click the folder labeled "application support". Then click the "minecraft" folder, then "screenshots". hope this helped :D
Sorry *facedesk*.... Saw the pretty doggy and thought she was a girl.... weird psychological assumption, sorry XD