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  • mapessas farewell (plus giveaway on OP!?!?!?!?)

    Discussion in 'Introductions & Farewells' started by Mapessa, Sep 3, 2020.

    1. Mapessa

      Mapessa Experienced Member

      Dec 5, 2015
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      ive played on mineverse for about 4 or so years in total but i've always quit after a year and join back the next year. I've always enjoyed playing on the server mainly for the people who have always been pretty sound. however i haven't been recently when i made a joke saying i'd hit someone offline (i didn't mean it D:) thus resulting in my ban from that server. this was probably a starting point for me wanting to quit as i felt pretty bad. another reason would be that the server is getting old. Less new players are joining then ever and the player count on servers such as op never seem to surpass 40 or so. i know lots of people probably don't care about me leaving as i'm not known or anything but i just wanted to let people know anyway haha.

      anyways im going to giving away 2X 2.5k to any lucky persons through a random draw or something idk. so yeah.. comment your ign and your favourite anime (if your not a weeb like me comment your favourite tv show, im running out D;)

      i'll decide and message the winners of the giveaway on sunday so make sure to write your name down and a good tv show or anime. (if you don't write the tv show i will be very sad ;;(
      i'll probably return in a year or something
      pce gamers
    2. SPlRIT

      SPlRIT Active Member

      Jun 10, 2020
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      ME ME ME. ign: bxbies my favorite tv show probably The Simpsons. Gl all!

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