Ok, so I was kinda bored and decided I would look my username (prince_planet_2 which is the username I use for almost anything, except the things I don't wanna anyone finding me on) up on Google. I found my Enjin account, my username on many minecraft websites and a few more. The thing that really stood out though, was...the top result. Take a look bellow... My mod app is the top result :p
Let's see… Stats on PlayMindcrack My RedWarfare account. The evidence of me hacking on some server (I still disprove of how it's valid, since it's so short, blurry, and low quality.) And lastly, my Hive account.
Omg xD 1. A report of me tp killing other players on this server 2. A profile of me for another server that I got banned on (for no reason):L 3. A bunch of my big sisters school account stuff.... thats creepy.. :eek:
This is what I found: http://prntscr.com/42zufo Dang cousin trying to get me banned from servers. Atleast I hated RegiusRaidz.
LOL What's YT? That's better then everyone elses search results. Their all getting ban appeals about them and history of bans on other servers LOL
Well that's what everyone else is getting. I don't have a single search result to do with bans or reports. I have never been reported on any server before. I am responsible. *I was banned once on the MV forums because I didn't read some rules which I disobeyed. I have read them now, and understand what I did wrong, and I will never do it again
I searched up my name and The first one was when I was a complete noob .__. I blocked out the sites because I ain't risking getting banned for advertisement. The last one "The Colors!" Is a 3DS Website .-. And then I searched up my name and clicked images Idk some of those pictures of people Again, I don't know a lot of those pictures .__. Idk
I got banned for chopping down a tree on someones land. It was a server run by @Robyn and @Busterboy112 -.-