1. Your In-Game: XxDragonSkiller 2. What do you want for the text?: 3d Saying XxDragonSkiller 3. Which style do you want? (Example: Halloween, Christmas, Normal): KitPvp Castel 4. Do you want to keep things in your hand in the picture?: Diamond Sword. Thx U are awesome
Also since this is later I'm going to wait in line again, but when the time comes I want a Christmas picture Ign: Glitcher726 Words: Glitcher Type: Christmas (I want Halloween first which I already posted) Anything in your hands? Only a Snowball ;)
Hihi, i did'nt forget you :p Here https://gyazo.com/f0d5bc201375300e39eb10b300db4755 Unfortunately, not the dog's collar to be blue. Sad ;(
Would however not have the same background on all pictures. Can try to get the image to look like Max but not too much.
If you want to own buildings in your background that's fine. You can build their own so I can take the screenshot where you want. Then it will be good enough :P
You can build a Halloween place, and then I can take a picture with shaders. Then you get what you want.
1. janice999 2. Janice (In an aqua blue color please) 3. I want a Skywars backround if you can please. I also want a bunny next to my skin ^.^ 4. It doesn't matter. https://www.minecraftskinstealer.com/player.php?user=janice999 Thank you!