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  • Making a city! :D

    Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by jadey64, Jul 26, 2014.

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    1. jadey64

      jadey64 Well-Known Member

      Feb 28, 2014
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      Well for the past few days I've been playing Survival, building random objects, and I decided to make a city, like Vandetta or Team Enchanted, but I wanted to make my own base/city, so I've decided to make it for everyone who wishes to join, everyone will get there own space to build a house, on one condition.
      • You must pay the price for land/area, it will be 5k for a square block of land, I'm thinking of making it by 10x10, so you get a decent amount of land,
      • Once you pay, you get the whole land/area that you payed for, and then you can go make a house,
      • I will only be allowing people to build/brake objects in there own claim, to avoid the area getting greifed, and etc.
      • I will be building community buildings, like apartments, hotels for those who can't afford the land/area for a house, or for the materials, so it'll be 1k every day to live in a apartment,
      • You get to decorate your own apartment, makes it more fun and interactive,
      • Decorate your home, make it medieval, or a fancy house, a mansion, a box, use your imagination, use youtube videos for guides on how to make mansions/houses, so far it's only my house that stands, I will be adding the plot thingys in a second, you can only buy 1 piece of land, otherwise others will not be able to purchase some land.
      Well that's it, if you have anymore questions to ask, post em here, here's a picture of my little house I've made so far, I know it looks weird, but it looks good in my texture pack! :D

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