Here's an idea, Let Bill Nye Explain That this thread is annoying, and that like a lot of people make threads like this, but Mineverse is great, nothings wrong with it besides the fact that it's currently down :D :/
the server shouldn't be crashing. something needs to be done there. this is happening a lot recently in the past weeks
im sorry you aren't being specific enough i don't know what you are replying to. what exactly is "this" ? Lol sorry I had to do that. I mean, in which ways do you think the server can be made 'better'?
She's right, besides trying to improve lag issues, and better anti-cheats, There's like nothing that really needs fixed.
I think there should be more unique plugins added such as /trade and I feel like more servers should be reset. I'm glad they reset skyblock, that was a great play on their part.
Then make the thread specifically about the command(s) you would like to be added. Owners cant just change the server in a way you feel would benefit it when you haven't told them what should be added in. They might be working on the things you have suggested anyway or don't think it would help.