Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Ertuiop, Jun 21, 2016.
Bailxy died
Joben was punched off a cliff
Obnoxious was ate by Donald Trump
@ShrektingPro <enter cool kill message here> @_Primitive
That someone was clearly me...
Deivid was squashed by a falling John Cena
Obnoxious was ate by Ariana Grande
Infinxty_ listened to Limp Bizkit too long.
@Somebody got noscoped my my grandma
Xethorias was killed by a sniper using a scope.
Somebody was slain with sarcasm
Somebody was beaten with my grandma
@Xethorias was spoiled to death by her serial killing grandma. @Clxrity was demoted.
Your grandma became a baseball bat?
Grandma has revived xethorias and quick dropped somebody
@Xethorias found out that you couldn't be revived when dead the hard way.
Xethorias becomes god and bamqioshes somebody off the face of the universe.
Killed for godlike hacks.
@Xethorias was bamqioshes.And then death by embarrassment happened.