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  • NA Magical_raven Mod App V.02

    Discussion in 'Moderator Applications' started by MagicalRaven, Mar 13, 2016.

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    1. MagicalRaven

      MagicalRaven Well-Known Member

      Feb 18, 2015
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      Magical_raven's Mod App V.02


      Hello everyone ! Magical_raven here coming back with a second attempt in applying for moderator . But , before I get to that , I will introduce myself . My IGN is Magical_raven , you may call me either Magical or Raven in game , I don't mind :). I have attempted to apply for moderator AGES ago , and it didn't really work out due to my childish type mind . During that first mod app , I never noticed how much of a privilege being a mod on this server is . This server is the only server I've been spending most of my free computer time on and over the year and couple of months I've been playing on this server , I have met many amazing people . I have met the nicest , most generous , the most inspiring , the most creative and the weirdest/funniest people in this mineverse server alone . So this moderator application is to show the changes I've gone through since September 2015 (I believe) , which was my first mod app . Well , here goes 'Magical_raven's Mod App V.02 . Support , or don't :) I will surely try and attempt to change your mind in the future .

      PS: if you want to know more about me , here's the link to my sort of late introduction to the mineverse server/forums .


      How old are you ?

      I am currently 17 years old , just finished my birthday :D ain't that awesome ?!

      Your in-game name ?

      My current in game name is Magical_raven . I don't plan on changing it anytime soon ! It has grown into me :D But , I'm planning on getting an alt with an almost similar name ;) stick around for that .

      What time zone are you in ?

      My timezone is Pacific Standard Time
      UTC/GMT -8 .
      My current timezone is Pacific Daylight Time
      UTC/GMT -7 .

      What country do you live in ?

      I live in California Bay Area :D But , I was born in Olongapo Philippines , raised in Manila Philippines til I turned 9 which I was moved to America to live the American life . The end :)

      What languages do you speak ?

      I speak fluently in both 'English' and my dialect in Philippines which is 'Tagalog.' So if you speak Tagalog , we can be such good friends :) just saying .

      Do you have any means of capturing evidence ?

      I have OBS , but I don't know how to use it . I'm planning on learning a bit more about the usage of OBS . Also , I have the mythical power of ye ol' f2 .

      How long can you be on the server everyday ?

      Monday : 2 - 4 hours ( school and sports . )
      Tuesday : 1 - 3 hours ( these are usually when my track meets are .)
      Wednesday : 2-4 hours ( same reason for Monday .)

      Thursday : 1 - 3 hours ( same reason for Tuesday .)
      Friday : 3 - 6 hours :) this is mostly my resting day
      Saturday and Sunday : All day , and if not , I'm probably playing sports or enjoying my social life .

      Note : I have minechat , I can be on it from time to time :)


      Monday : 6 - 16 hours ( depending on what I'm doing on my phone in school .)
      Tuesday : 6 - 16 hours ( same reason for Monday )
      Wednesday : 6 - 16 hours ( same reason for Monday )
      Tuesday : 4 - 16 hours ( same reason , but I have track meets here )
      Friday : 8 - 16 hours ( same reason from Monday )
      Saturday : 8 - 16 hours ( same reason as Friday )
      Sunday : 8 - 16 hours ( same reason from Monday )

      Note : I'm always on my phone :)

      How long have you been playing mineverse ?

      I have calculated 1 year , and 2 - 3 months :D I stopped playing minecraft for 3 months which is from February to May because I got a quick job to have a little bit of job experience :) but I came back because I decided to quit xD!

      Have you ever been banned in the past ?

      Not that I know of :/ I don't plan on ever getting banned anytime soon because I love this server :) and this is the only server I play on xD

      Do you have any past experiences as a moderator ?

      I became a moderator on a small server on mcpe . Yes , mcpe xD so I don't think it counts . I forgot the server name , but I doubt it still exists .

      Why do you think you should become mod ?

      I have chosen to do this question last, because for what I've seen in the past accepted moderator applications , all of them has listed off all of the features they have . So here's my list to why I should become one of the future moderator's :D
      ENJOY !




      I would say that I am a friendly person in game because I've noticed where I have gone too far on being too nice in giving people (mostly non ranks) their desired stuff and leave myself with a big wad of nothing . I have also stopped a couple arguments in skyblock on my past skyblock days . I became friendly towards so many people , the only times I am ever mean is when I am either stressed out or when a person in chat is going a bit too far into what they're saying . Overall , I would say I am friendly because I have lead myself from little to no friends to many acquaintances because of me either being friendly with them , or with them rubbing off their friendly ways into me and making me a better person .


      I would say that I am pretty funny . I don't like to gloat about me being funny , but this seems like a reasonable personality you guys should know about me :) I am a person who would make a joke and laugh at it while seeing the other person sit there in shame of being next to me or for knowing me xD . I don't always make jokes , but I'm always grapeful when I make a pear of people laugh ... That was horrible ! But orange you glad I did it ?! :> these puns are just bananas ! Okay I'm done with the fruit jokes . But yeah , I'm funny sometimes and sometimes my jokes will make many cringe .


      I am a very fast learner and I can and will use that state of mind to use against mineverse's daily hacker , spammer , poop talker and griefer . While making this app , I knew at the moment I started it , is that I have set myself up for a huge chance to have a mass amount of responsibilities . I know that now , and from what I've read from past mod applications , I learned that mistakes were made for a reason . Mistakes are to teach us , teach us to become better people , teach us to become a stronger nation , and it will teach us that no one is perfect and everyone's mistakes are what's changing them for the better . Now , help me change by pointing out mistakes and such so that I can change that about myself (or at least attempt to) so that I can become the person you will look for in a mod :)


      I for one is strong and do not hold grudges . From what I've experienced in the past , holding grudges is a sign of weakness , holding grudges is something I don't plan on having as one of my characteristics because no one wants to see a leader give out to something bad that someone has told them . I don't enjoy holding grudges because it lessens my confidence . Not just confidence to be speaking with many people , but confidence in myself . I don't want future generations to know to hold grudges , I want to be one of the people that teaches the future generation children to become the best that they can be and not let anyone , or anything keep them down .


      As a person who had given up most of his social life to education and a bit of minecraft , I would say that I am a very active person in the server . I would always play every night just to see what's up and what's new on what my fellow teammates has done . I also have this magical app called 'Minechat.' I would use it to afk a lot on survival for more claim blocks , but I don't enjoy waking up to my phone being hot :/. So , not a big fan of it anymore . Another reason to why minechat will make me an Active mod is the fact that I can ban/warn players during learning center class (Those are classes for doing homework.) I am mostly active on both skyblock and survival servers , but I can always make an exception on meeting new people on different servers :D Just know that I'm not much of a PVP person , so all of you PVP people will have to hate me for a bit til I learn the ways of the player versus player Gamemodes xD


      I'm not gonna lie , I'm a bit of a rage quitter . But , I'm not one to ever cuss a person out because of what horrible thing that occurred . I am just fairly calm unless my buttons are pushed far . I mostly rage quit from failure builds or unnatural deaths . To be honest , who doesn't rage when they die to the most naive deaths and who doesn't rage when their builds on survival is almost done then you realize that you miscounted somehow and you just I claim everything and let people grief it . Like who wants to start over a build that took 3 AND A HALF HOURS just to leave you there with a mistake that will ruin your WHOLE DAY !


      /tempban [player] [time]
      /ban [player]
      /social spy
      PS : I learned all of this from what mods talk about in game . I would rather copy and paste someone else's knowledge about these commands , but I'm not one to do that :)


      I would say that i am also a responsible Mineverse player because i get stuff done on time most of the times . I would be lying if i said that i get everything done on time all the time because nobody is that good at not getting distracted in Minecraft/Mineverse because everyone is not that strong willed to not speak to the other Mineverse players . Now, back to the topic of me being responsible . I am responsible for doing a lot of things , if it's whether i am needed by someone (/fix and /repairs) or if i am needed to finish a build since i am a survival/skyblock player .


      I would say that i can be mature , but i don't take everything too seriously that will cause me to be very boring . Being mature is one of the biggest trait a moderator should contain , but maturity is something that everyone needs to lay off a bit and have a bit of childishness . What i'm trying to say is that mods can have as much fun as they can have , til someone needs them to help out and that is where maturity should be turned on .


      I'm not one to ever lie , and if I ever do lie , I would either tell them it's a sometime the day I told that lie , or let them be suspicious about it and I would let them figure it out because mysteries are fun :D! Also , whenever I say jokes , I would lie and then say 'JK' like every other children in this generation today . So in conclusion , I am not fond of lying but I do lie sometimes to get my way into someone's head . I enjoy being honest also , mostly because I don't have to feel any guilt towards a lie I have told or plan on telling .


      I have learned how to become an unbiased person due to how wrong it felt . I was a bit of a biased person in the past , but I've figured that instead of being biased , I learned to judge the side with a bad reason and choose the one that had a better point in the arguments even if I didn't trust the people on that side of the argument . That is how unbiased I am , I just need good points in an argument to win and instead of me picking the ones I like and trust the most to win .


      I don't like ending off projects unfinished , so I don't see the point in leaving someone's problem without finishing it right away . I'm always ready and will never quit on the people that needs helps the most because I used to be one of those people who were helpless and noobish . I'm never giving up , I haven't given up on my last project on skyblock even though I quit skyblock ages ago and I'm never giving up on my monopolizing project on survival which will come soon ;) I'm just saying . Also , I'm not giving up on Cypriotmerkz's promise on that towny server , we need that towny server !



      This is where I'm gonna have to end this off . Thank you to those who spent the time to read everything in this mod app and not just be 'Support happy.' I'd rather take in a reason to become a better person than to have someone skim through my mod app and give me a 'support' or 'no support' comment . I'll take all advices :D thank you again ! Have a great day everyone !

      PS : this mod app will constantly be changed :D so stick around for some 'NOTES'
      Last edited: Apr 8, 2016
    2. mattenphew

      mattenphew Head Moderator Head Moderator Media Team Leader Competition Team Premium

      Jan 23, 2015
      Likes Received:
      No support.
    3. MagicalRaven

      MagicalRaven Well-Known Member

      Feb 18, 2015
      Likes Received:
      Any way I can change your mind ?
    4. mattenphew

      mattenphew Head Moderator Head Moderator Media Team Leader Competition Team Premium

      Jan 23, 2015
      Likes Received:
      Be more active and add more info.
    5. alma

      alma Boss Member

      Oct 7, 2014
      Likes Received:
      Support, good luck. :)
    6. MagicalRaven

      MagicalRaven Well-Known Member

      Feb 18, 2015
      Likes Received:
      Thank you for the input :) I'll most likely add in more info tomorrow morning . Also , do you mean active in game or on forums ?

      Thank you tons :D
    7. Dom

      Dom Well-Known Member

      Feb 3, 2014
      Likes Received:
      • Haven't met you yet
      • Colors are a little straining
      • More detail
      Good luck :)
    8. mattenphew

      mattenphew Head Moderator Head Moderator Media Team Leader Competition Team Premium

      Jan 23, 2015
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    9. MagicalRaven

      MagicalRaven Well-Known Member

      Feb 18, 2015
      Likes Received:
      You don't remember me ;-; ? You enchanted for me at survival before . Also , thank you for the input :D GRATZ on mod btw !
    10. Resign

      Resign Experienced Member

      Feb 12, 2016
      Likes Received:
      • Do not see you in - game a lot.
      • Add some more detail.
      Good luck!
    11. Calli

      Calli Boss Member

      Feb 2, 2016
      Likes Received:
      Neutral. Reasons stated above.
      ~Best of luck!
    12. Jenn

      Jenn Well-Known Member

      Nov 5, 2015
      Likes Received:
    13. baile y

      baile y Well-Known Member

      Feb 7, 2016
      Likes Received:
      Magiii support!
    14. MagicalRaven

      MagicalRaven Well-Known Member

      Feb 18, 2015
      Likes Received:
      I'm mostly on survival all the time , so if you're a PVP person , you're gonna despise me xD thank you for the input though :)

      Thank you for the input , I'll add more details right now .

      Thank you bay_leaf :D
    15. Thefully123

      Thefully123 Active Member

      Dec 14, 2015
      Likes Received:
      Support GOOD Luck!
    16. kei

      kei Well-Known Member

      Feb 7, 2016
      Likes Received:
      Support! :O

      • Semi Active
      • Strong Application
      • Appealing Visuals
      • You Seem Nice In Game

      Good Luck!
    17. MagicalRaven

      MagicalRaven Well-Known Member

      Feb 18, 2015
      Likes Received:
      Much appreciated guys :)
    18. WinterWaffles

      WinterWaffles Experienced Member

      Sep 12, 2015
      Likes Received:
      Support :) I see you around a lot and you're always in a good frame of mind. Good luck ^-^
    19. MagicalRaven

      MagicalRaven Well-Known Member

      Feb 18, 2015
      Likes Received:
      thank you waffle :D
    20. Herf

      Herf Boss Member

      Jul 15, 2014
      Likes Received:
      Neutral, I dont think ive ever seen a report from you :/
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