1. Dream car? 2. Favorite album? 3. Did you know you're fab?? 4. Can we Skype soon pls? PLS 5. Did you know Bernie fought for Russia in WWI? 6. Hi, ily 7. Favorite language besides English? 8. Do you want to study abroad?
1. Wanna go to the beach with me and @Coastic so we can live like true scallops? 2. Why do you like a communist? Are you a Russian spy? 3. What's your favorite pick-up line? 4. Funniest person on MV?? 5. Madi4Mod? 6. After the beach wanna go to Five guys???? 7. This isn't a question but you're great 8. What's the most memorable time you had on MV 9. Do you like MC
1. Yes please 2. LEAVE BERNIE ALONE 3. I can't pick one ;( 4. You and @Coastic 5. ew cancer 6. Yes 7. ty babe 8. Meeting the mains 9. Kinda
1. Want some fried chicken, now included at KommieFC! 2. What's your favorite thing of me? 3. Did you know Sav was the one who stole Rosa Parks' seat? 4. Do you like taking walks? 5. Madi4Pres?
1. Why do you like my voice lol? 2. What's one thing you'd wanna do with me IRL 3. How much do you want to bet Sav showers in holy water every night? 4. Is that you in the PFP????