Hi everyone. So on Creative I built a map for Infection but I want to know whether it should go in the Infection Game mode or not. I want to know what everyone thinks of it. I worked really hard on it and I hope that it becomes one of the Infection Maps. If you want to see the full map, just go on Creative and type /p h FrostN or /plot home FrostN. Enjoy! :D My Map: http://imgur.com/1st0vuZ
Add a video or pictures, or a link to an imgur album or something at least. @CobaltPlays and @Pile_of_Butts please move this to the map suggestion sub forum.
L0L. Well there is a area in the Suggestion area were normal people post maps..... But Nvm. I don't really like it no offence just because it indeed does look like random pieces put together in one map.....
A mod told me to put it in Discussions. I purposely did the random pieces in one map. You can't have just one thing in the map so I added a bunch of different things and pieces in the map.
I would say support but with the amount of new maps that have been added while I was away for like 6 months is CRAZY! I don't think Infection needs more maps now. GOOD LUCK THOUGH! GL&HF
Neutral. It looks a bit plain, gives an advantage to the infected due to the natural plain landscape. You may want to take more screenshots while using F and 1 to block the chat so it is easier to see.