So latley i've been feeling very lonly... a lot of my irl friends have been being mean calling me names and not hanging out with me so i'm making a thread to find new friends :D You have to fill out this app and i will tell you if you are my friend. i want to find people that i have things in common with not just some random guy named Jim who likes french fries (altho that would be fine) 1. Gender (must know what gender i am speaking to) 2. Age: 3.Hobbies: 4. Favorite game on mineverse: 5. If i were to hand you a potato and say do 1 thing with it what would you do? Hope i make some AWESOME new friends :D ~Hidden
Hay guurl! ;) Gender: Fee-may-ul. Age: 14 Hobbies: Drawing, dance, music and gaming. (Go Zelda!) Favorite game on mineverse: Prison, or perhaps Kit Pvp. If i were to hand you a potato and say do 1 thing with it what would you do: HAIL DA POTATA.
1. Gender: Female 2. Age: 13 3. Hobbies: Drawing, Lacrosse, Soccer, Softball, Minecraft <3 4. Fav Game On Mineversse: Im Mainly On --> Op-PvP, Survival, Infection, Prison, Skyblock 5. If I Were To Hand You A Potato And Say 1 Thing With It. What Would You Do With It?: OMG Its Not A POTATO!!! Like Srrsly!?!?! ITS A PATAWTO
Yes friends great answer to 5 i love soccer too but I'm not allowed to play SoftBall :( but i can play baseball
1. Gender: Female 2. Age: Teenager o3o 3.Hobbies: Aerial Silks 4. Favorite game on mineverse: Infection 5. If i were to hand you a potato and say do 1 thing with it what would you do? Make chips O3O
1. Gender: Allien 2. Age: 2000 3. Hobbies: Eating Curry 4. Favorite games on Mineverse: Dyeblock 5. If i were to hand you a photo and say do 1 thing with it what would you do? Get Pringels And put them up meh mouth