Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by baile y, May 21, 2016.
What is this new "Poke thing"? xD
Satan's wrath
That pretty much sums it up.
Something to spam your alerts lol
People poked me until I had a seizure.
pure pain :c
This is why I had to update my forums picture.
TADS just wanted to add ''poking'' just to spam us.
two poke wars at once lol
I'm guessing there is a setting that toggles poke messages? @Pile ? EDIT:Found it.
Yes, you do have the option to turn it off
ive literally only had like 3 people poke me wtf
i hate you both.
Aw what did I do?
you poked me i wanted to be the person with the least pokes on forums xD
15 people poked me. ;'(
oh rip! Sowwy <3 Don't hate me!