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  • LOL long thread

    Discussion in 'Archive' started by TiggyX19, Feb 17, 2016.

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    1. TiggyX19

      TiggyX19 Experienced Member

      Jul 22, 2014
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      General Rules: (Forums & Server)

      • Respect all administrators, moderators, and any player present/non present on the server and/or forums.
        • Punishment: Player: 1-2 hour mute (2nd offense - 1 day tempban) Staff: 3 days (2nd offense - 7-14 days)
          • Example: “Shut up idiot”.
      • Do not spam any branch of Mineverse.
        • Punishment: 20min - 1 hour mute (2nd offense - 1 day mute)
          • Example: “Hi” -- “Hi” -- “Hi” -- “Hi” -- “Hi” (Different post)
      • Do not advertise any other external server or website. (Exception: Youtube, Twitch, Noobcrew's other servers, and other channels)
        • Punishment: 31 day lobby - Perm lobby
      • Do not evade any punishment.
        • Punishment: If you are banned and attempt to evade your punishment, that is worthy of a quick permanent ban and a possible IP ban from the forums/server. You will receive an IP ban only if you continue to evade your punishment. Although, if you are muted you will be temporarily banned for the remaining time of the mute. If you are temporarily banned and attempt to evade it, you will be temporarily banned on the alt and for the punishment to be extended a bit longer. This is up to the staff member.
          • Example: “Aw man, I was banned on my other account but we can still play on this one”. (Note: A mod must have evidence that is the person)
      • Do not share any personal or give away any personal information. (Skype, IP’s, Addresses, MV Info, IRL Info)
        • Punishment: Giving away personal information will result in a month ban or permanent ban based on severity. (Your Skype can be given away voluntarily by you)
          • Example: “Oh my Nana’s Home Address is 7868, Keke Lane.” ← Not a good idea and not a real address.
      • Do not blackmail any user on Mineverse.
        • Punishment: Blackmail for anything can result in a temporary ban or permanent ban depending on severity.
          • Example: “Give me 50 bucks on KitPvP or I will tell everyone your real name and how old you are”
      • Do not use profanity/censored profanity or any derogatory material on Mineverse. (Derogatory material: Porn sites, malware/torrents, or anything that invades real world laws)
        • Punishment: 1-2 hour mute (Second offense: 1 day tempban) | Exception: Porn sites, malware, torrents, real world laws, etc - 31 day ban
          • Example: You’re a <blank>.
      • Do not send or post any content that is mean to hurt anybody else. (Race, disability, sexual orientation, or religion)
        • Punishment: Based on the event, you can either receive a warning, temporary ban, or permanent ban based on staff choice about the severity of the situation. -- Note the term "Nig**" can be punishable if it is used in certain context.
          • Example: “Hahaha, you have <blank>, so sad. Boohoo.”
      • Do not target/harass any member of the staff team or Mineverse player. (Includes staff impersonation which is bannable)
        • Punishment: 5 days (Second offense: 7-21 days)
          • Example: “Hahaha, bro, I just made 5 staff reports on Banana hoping to get him demoted. Cross your fingers even though they may be invalid!”
      • Do not troll/steal on MV. Do not derail any staff member of the staff teams judgement. (Side tracks/Falsifying information)
        • Punishment: By attempting to break this rule, you will receive a warning, temporary ban, or perm ban based on the situation you impaired.
          • Example: “Hey Nana, click this link, it shows Johnny1093 “hacking”.
      • Do not use hacked clients (Illegal mods) and/or gain unauthorized access to any part of mineverse you are not allowed to. (Console, closed gamemodes, ACP, ect) AFK videos of hacks such as kill aura are not accepted.
        • Punishment: PvP Gamemodes (OP, Kit, Facs, OPFacs, etc) 31 days | Non-PvP Gamemodes: 3 days
          • Example: Kill Aura, NoSlowDown, Fly, Speed, Aimbot, or any other hack that gives you an advantage over other players on the mineverse server.
      • Do not pet hide or PvP log. (Infection + PvP Gamemodes)
        • Punishment: For first offenders, they are to be temporarily banned for 3 days (Pet). After, it is up to the staff whether the player is to be banned for longer periods or have a permanent ban put on their account. For loggers, the first offense is to be 1 day, after, longer temporary bans will occur.
          • Example: “Yoo man, let me just hide in my giant slime to evade getting hit! You should try it as well!” ← I don’t suggest it.
      • Do not consistently beg, complain, or make hate threads.
        • Punishment: You are to be banned for 1 day if you do any of these things.
          • Example: Thread Title: Banana is stoopa -- Make a staff report if you have a staff complaint.
      • Do not scam, make death traps, threaten -- DDos/Death, or grief. (Death trap exception -- OP Facs)
        • Punishment: Scam: 7 days (Second offense: 31 days) Threats: 5 days (Second offense: 7-21 days) Traps: 14 days (Second offense: 31 days) Grief: 31 days
          • Example: “Pay me 50 bucks to have free diamonds!” -- User(s) pay and no diamonds come.
      • Do not sell Minecraft accounts or trade MV items/currency for real life money or anything other than Mineverse goods. However, donor ranks trades are allowed. Alts are also strictly prohibited on the forums. You may have one to appeal a ban but posting elsewhere is not acceptable.
        • Punishment: This will result in a 31 day ban from the server/forums, depending where the offenses took place.
          • Example: "Hey, selling my MC account for $50." -- "Give me 64 diamonds for 10 bucks IRL!"
      • Do not abuse bugs/exploits on the server.
        • Punishment: This warrants a 31 day ban unless stated otherwise in a specific game rule.
          • Example: Glitching to get fly through voter crates. (Patched)
      Specific Forum Rules W/ Infraction System:

      • Do not derail, make more then 2 replies in a row, post threads in the wrong section, or go off topic on any thread on the forums. This includes the making of threads on the forums. (Ask staff for help if needed)
        • Example: Thread Title -- Should swords be added to Archer? User: I like pie | User: I like pie | User: I like pie
      • Do not flame or openly argue on any part of the forums.
        • Example: User1: Hey stupid. | User2: Don’t call me stupid idiot. | User1: Blah Blah | User2: Blah Blah
      • Do not abuse the ratings system given.
        • Explanation: Click here for further explanation.
          • Example: “Haha, just gave this kid 5 dislikes”.
      • Do not necropost or “grave dig”.
        • Example: Title: Hi -- Off-Topic section and 30 days old. User: Hehe
      • Do not abuse the forum abilities. (Profile pictures, info, location, ect.
        • Example: “Ohh, look at Nana’s profile! -- He has nudes!” ← No pun intended.
      Click here to see a detailed explanation of the forum infraction system and punishments that will follow for unruly acts you may commit on the forums. This thread includes all general rules and specific forum rules that are possible to break on the website.

      Specific Server Rules:

      TIP: Don’t know what things below are? Ask a staff member.
      • Infection:
        • Do not bow spam.
        • Do not egg spam.
        • Do not block glitch. (Kick)
        • No bow glitching.1) Kick 2) Temp ban
          • Punishment: By committing these actions, you are to be temporarily banned from infection for 3 days. (First offense)
      • Skyblock:
        • Do not island farm. (HB Included)
        • Do not island bridge. (HB Included)
          • Punishment: These actions are worthy of a permanent ban.
      Note: On Skyblock and/or Hellblock,
    2. TADS

      TADS Guest

      And you made this why?
    3. ItsSniiper

      ItsSniiper Boss Member

      Feb 5, 2014
      Likes Received:
      So creative
    4. Fritterz

      Fritterz Experienced Member

      Sep 26, 2015
      Likes Received:
      8/8 just gr8 m8.
    5. MCheng

      MCheng Experienced Member

      Feb 1, 2015
      Likes Received:
      Welcome to the internet.
    6. Scorv

      Scorv Gaming Warlord Premium

      Jul 29, 2014
      Likes Received:
      Long thread. Like my... train set.
    7. Titanicguy

      Titanicguy Boss Member

      Jan 2, 2016
      Likes Received:
      Alert feed?
    8. TiggyX19

      TiggyX19 Experienced Member

      Jul 22, 2014
      Likes Received:
      Ok, I'm sorry. Please lock this thread.
    9. TiggyX19

      TiggyX19 Experienced Member

      Jul 22, 2014
      Likes Received:
      My brother made this.
    10. TADS

      TADS Guest

      Thread locked on request.
      If you disagree to this action, please report this post, and a moderator or administrator will reconsider it.

      Kind regards,
      The Staff
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