Wait so pet permissions are disabled on all servers except the 3 lobbies? A couple of hours ago I went to lobby 2 and 3 and I had Titan but it wouldn't let me set a pet, and on Lobby one I was premium?...
We don't have the ability to name our pets, Mount then, open their interface, put them on our heads, give them riders or remove them and as gizzbots said titans dont have access to golems
You're typing the command wrong then because I'm looking at the permissions and it's all set. As for your Titan I resent the package.
Works now, ty. The perms weren't working for me, it would only let me do premium perms on lobby 1. and the other lobbies said I couldn't do any of them. Thanks
Thank you for sorting all of those; The interface doesnt allow you to toggle the pets to babies, ride them or put them on your head, the commands do allow you to do this though, idk if this was intentional or not worth worrying about. *Addition* the interface full stop does not work, We can access it just cant use anything on it. We don't have access to the /pet help command either again not sure if this was intentional or not but I'll still list it for you. Otherwise it looks just about perfect
@CypriotMerks my pet on skywars is glitched. I have an enderman there where on every other server I have a wolf. I go to the lobby and do /pet remove and I have no more wolf. Then I would go back to skywars and still have the enderman.