My ingame name is Floflorian123. I am wondering how long my lobby ban will last. Thanks, Floflorian123
You appeal was denied on the 3rd of this month. You may reappeal 2 weeks from that date and we will discuss it then.
All advertising is supposed to be a perm lobby ban per the rules: "NOTE: Due to a new guide, all punishments that were bans will be 31 day bans with an exception of advertising which is a lobby ban." But if a mod decides to allow the player back, its their decision.
Oh. I just wasn't sure what he did to get a lobby ban. Unless his account was hacked idk why he would've been spam advertising. @PewDiePie isn't this guy your brother?
Yeah he said he wasn't advertising. His account may have gotten hacked He said it's a perm ban. And I swear he never advertised. He told me that he went on an advertised server and he got banned from Mineverse. Please let him back in. He just got God but he's banned
@Flazer @Nightfire @Exstatisfy Could I get opinions? This is directly related to me because he is my brother.
I said he could appeal 2 weeks after his last appeal date and we could talk about it then. Thats all there is to it. It was my ban and I will be the one to take care of it.
Closing this because I answered his original question. @Floflorian123 you can re-appeal 2 weeks from the 3rd of February.