You won't be able to log if it's set-up to accept, and, Gyazo IP logger is:, soo, it won't work, printscr has a IP logger "" it's pretty easy to tell, so it won't work.
I see where you're coming from, thanks Thank you all for the feedback! The people who said loggers will be used, I understand that but anyways people are bountying links so there isn't much of a difference with that. If someone ip logs they will get banned, their fault their punishment. Reasons?
There's always the possibility of IP loggers, mute evasions and inappropriate links. You say that the majority of the community is good but that doesn't dismiss the fact that there are some bad people out there. I'd rather limit the chance of these things happening as much as possible.
I wish you saw how many links were being bountied on op and kit instead of bountying a name you bounty a link, that is bypass right? I'm not sure but anyways thanks for your feedback if I think of a way to make it so people don't put loggers or anything in that sort I'll let u know
I know that putting the links in bounties is an issue, but tbh I'd rather there be one option to post links rather than two, at the moment. If you are catching my drift?
It's an alright idea but it would provoke a-lot of advertisements, even if it was only allowed to be directed to one user a time. No Support.