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    Discussion in 'Off-Topic Archive' started by Acceptation, Jun 30, 2018.

    1. Acceptation

      Acceptation ❤️ Discord Moderator Premium

      Jun 29, 2017
      Likes Received:
      So have you ever seen a signature or people saying stuff like this "Need Help? Click Here" I'm sure you have, well I'm going to teach you just how to do that and it is actually much more simple and easier than you probably expect it to be.

      Step One
      Find what you want your link to be directed too for example "https://www.mineverse.com/suggestions/"
      Once you have found what you want it to be directed to, highlight the URL. A URL is a link at the top of the page located here

      Step Two
      Next, you're going to want to type something like "Click Here" or anything like that or whatever you want the person to click that will direct them to the page you want them to be directed too.

      Step Three
      When you have written down what you want, go to the icon that says "Link" this can be found here

      Step Four
      Paste in the URL that you have chosen in that box and click "Insert" and then whatever you have chosen to be directed should be highlighted in blue.


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