If anyone didn't know coming August 1st Mojang is changing Minecrafts EULA to make it so servers can't offer game advantages to donors unless the advantage is purely cosmetic EG: /pet /hat color changing leather armor etc. This will cause many servers to shutdown due to lack of funds. If you wan't to read it yourself heres the link https://mojang.com/2014/06/lets-talk-server-monetisation-the-follow-up-qa/. Another thing is in the new update 1.8 they changed the way of enchanting. not only is it requiring xp levels it all now takes resources like diamond, lapiz lazuli, gold, and iron. Link to http://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/1t2wqm/new_enchanting_screen_explanation_in_comments/ .
its gonna ruin alot of minigames that rely on enchanting some servers have kitpvp where u enchant and can't buy enchanted armor.