The games I play. -Entire Smash Brothers Series so far -Any Legend of Zelda game I can find. Either borrowed from a friend, or got the game for free. -Mario Kart, not all, only 4 -Call of Duty. I play it with my friends, because my mom or dad won't allow me to have it -.- and I also don't have xbox/ps3 -Any Mario game I have -A few Kirby games here and there. -Pokemon. Although rarely. - I used to play Happy Wheels and Minecraft, but my computer went I guess you could say I play TLOZ for the story, and how they make vast worlds to explore. It's an interesting concept.
Want ALL the games i play? K. Minecraft Portal Portal 2 Sleeping Dogs Red Crucibles 2 Minecraft: Xbox 360 Edition The Amazing Spoderman 2 Red Dead Redemption Tomodachi Life Super Mario Bros (Virtual Console 3DS) Pushmo Various LEGO games Gotham City Impostors Forza Motorsport 3 Cliffhorse (Notch made this for fun but i kinda play it once in a while) Super Smash Bros: Melee Animal Crossing @Chezby - Down Below! Legend Of Zelda: Wind Waker Legend Of Zelda: Four Swords Sanicball (Not a typo, just Google it its bootifel) The Very Organised Theif Ect. Ect. TL;DR I have an Xbox too