Hey all. Since you guys love to spam me with "WHY DID YOU RESIGN" On my profile and in game, I figured that I'll just make a thread so you don't have to ask. I resigned for multiple reasons, so here's the list. My priorities are completely out of control. I'm always trying to get online instead of focusing on my school work. I found it difficult to control this, so I figured resigning would be the best way to eliminate the problem. A couple days ago, I was hacked. I did not know I reached such a high point of being hated that people would try to dox, ddos, and hack me. I regained access to the account instantly then made sure everything was secure. I spent the next day checking whether I had access to my account or not by going on Minechat in school. I do not want to go through that stress again. The amount of hate moderators get is ridiculous. I hate it. It is the most upsetting and stressful thing that I've seen a minecraft server cause. To the people that do that, your attitude is not appreciated or welcome on the server. One day as a moderator, I spent a lot of time trying to help a player, and I was successful. He seemed quite thankful, but then a couple days later he comes to me screaming "DO YOUR ******* JOB, THERE'S HACKERS ON (Gamemode)!" This was a stupid request. I was the only staff online and he expected me to know what hackers were where, and to ban them instantly. There's over 20 gamemodes and this player expected that I be on all of them at the same time. You people have no idea what it's like, and how stressful it is. Being a moderator is actually quite dangerous. If you don't have a strong VPN, and have very little information about you online, you can get dox'd, ddosed, hacked, and even have people telling you where you live and who your family is. I'm 14, I don't want to have to worry about me and my family's safety. The people that do this are extremely despised, and pretty dumb given that this is all over a minecraft server. MINECRAFT. The game you choose to threaten people over is MINECRAFT? Really? Pathetic. Anyway. That's all. I'm sure some of you are quite unhappy that I'm resigning, but I felt that this was my best option. There's also going to be the people who are very happy about my resignation. (The things in socialspy) Anyway, I'd like to thank you all for the fun times, and special thanks to those who were actually kind and great people through my journey. @CypriotMerks and @Noobcrew , Thank you for the amazing opportunity of working on your server. It was fun while it lasted. Well, most of it. The hate is an exception. To those wondering, no, I will not be leaving the server, I'm only resigning. I probably won't be as active though. <3
PARA NO. I understand your pain since I have been through it before. Thank you for your service, we all appreciate the things you have done for us. Thank you. <3
You made a great choice Para. I'll miss you. But wish you good luck in school! BTW, great work on ur mod. I love the way you work. Keep it up! :D
There is nothing I can begin with saying, you were a friend "Not that close" I enjoyed talking in chat in-game. I would love to see you re-apply soon because you were doing great. It surprises me that not everyone else fills the same. :( Your Kind You did you job to your best ability You never ignored players on the server You always help out and welcome new player. You were an all round great guy Im sad to see you resign but, feel good that you are going to be able to play mine-verse with a lot of the stress of your shoulder's that being a staff member brings. :D
It is better that you resign then if you keep on moderating and feel like rubbish. We respect and understand your choose to resign.
When the hate gets to you, don't feel bad just to take a short break from the game. We are only humans, done people don't take it as good as others do. Hacking, threats and whatever. That will always be here, simply to the fact it's an online game. People like to seem superior to others, in which they decide to break the real-life rules; the law. Thank you, Para, and best of luck in life, with school and studies.
Thanks for your service, you were a great mod And hope you do well with life and studies See ya around
Honestly I was shocked when I found out. A person who is dedicated to their moderation. Thank you for what you've done. :(