ok i do not like to be annoying on the fourms but Mineverse prison is so laggy i have no idea why but i Had my first death today cause i disconnected while pvping and someone named Finlydogman who just started the server he has prot 4 and a sharp 4 unb 3 fire 2 sword and he took all my stuff it is so annoying i cant move 10 blocks without rubberbanding or disconnecting from the server i have checked my bandwidth it is fine Sorry to be annoying
ya its not laggy solmill. if u dont already have it, try optifine, it used to be laggy now its surprisingly smooth
I am experiencing the same lag (sometimes). I do know in-fact that solmill7 has Optifine, but that's not helping.
I have optifine and only get lag on the prison. Same problem as old prison. No lag anywhere else, do it's not the pc. Many many ppl have the same lag on there. It is probably the massive amount of bedrock in the build. It can cause lag.