Actually, there is one thing, in-game today you tried to "win my heart by giving [me] things". I take that as you want me to support your moderator application. I'm sorry, but I have to go from neutral to no support.
Sorry, no support. You don't seem that mature. You have a good amount of spelling errors. Your time table doesn't add up. Some good things are your time zone and your ability to catch hackers. Good luck.
Neutral for a couple reasons: I don't think I've ever seen you in-game. What game modes do you usually appear on? Could be more active around here. You've been on forums for a while, but I don't see you around that often. You have valid reasons as to "why you should become mod", but I feel like you should elaborate more/add more detail. If you were to change those things, I'd reconsider. It'd be great to have a mod in your time zone. Best of luck ~
Do you play OpPvP? because I could of swore someone with the IGN KrissTheDude was hacking. Oh well I am giving you neutral because I don't see you on all the game modes. Good luck! <3
Thanks for feedback! Thanks for support! Sorry for my grammar, english is not my main language. But I'll try to be better at it.
Sorry no Support you need to add more detail and get more active on the forums and maybe a little bit more active in game.
I'm playing 3-4 hours everyday, but activity has probably something to do with timezones. But thanks for feedback.
Don't get me wrong, do you mean Iv'e usen other languages than English? This may be true, sometimes I forget to talk Norwegian in /msg with my friends.