Ok first.. kpopoppopopopppoopop aaghh it is life. bts bigbang got7 seventeen apink blackpink red velvet all of dem amazin ;-; like compared to ours, the songs are awesome, the dances are lit as fluff and the people are smexy and stylish. I dont like 1D just saying.. No dancing, songs are catchy but just meh.. Faces are aight but nah. im such a koreaboo xd haha lol idk what to put.. so just dis but gotta love the webtoons and the dramas ;3 dam... no but tbh i love the entertainment they have all over the world, especially the asian side, with all this and more like who cant like it. Doesn't mean i dont like english pop.. well i dont for most and the dramas i see here are like coronation street or some poop, like all that happens is like teen has a bby, parents get divorced, people fight in pubs etc like nahhhh, i like the feels. They might not all be like that but meh. you may be like "u cant even understand it".. bish so what, i can read subs m8, like if i were to also try studying the lang then it would be easy bc im always hearing while reading the words. aghh and i hate when they say "the boys with makeup look like girls" UUGH that annoys me but aghh what eva. i dont know the point of this so tell me what u like ;D haha baa..
Ok, so... the first part of that was... Idk. I'm not interested in 1 Direction either :/ Much prefer Nightcore, and other types of music. I do agree that webtoons are awesome though. Aside from that, many people have told me how "amazing" Korean dramas are, but I still don't watch them. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Also, the whole thing about 'reading while watching/listening', I do know what you mean since I really enjoy watching anime, and I usually watch with subs. Lastly, I agree that the whole thing about 'boys wearing makeup makes them girlish' can be annoying; girls aren't the only ones that can try to look nice :/ (Koreaboo... lol)
yea, i listen to nightcore etc also ;3 I only watched korean dramas cuz my friend made me but it was actually so good xd The anime thing, its like u pick up words from it. like you hear it so much and also read what it means in subs so you just learn it. Like if u were to talk to me in japanese i would "understand" the gist of it just from anime xd haha im all the type of boos, weeb and koreeb ;0; xd And yyaaas with the makeup thing. why can't turtles have a ribbon on the shell? haha
I'm not much of a Kpop person so this was totally weird to me (then again the only thing i ever listen to is nightcore).
thats what i thought but if u look at pics of bts before debuting, all they changed was their hair. I didnt look into it but maby somewhere but its hard to notice. ;0 kekekeke