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  • Knights Clan

    Discussion in 'Archive' started by JazzMagic, Jun 25, 2015.

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    1. JazzMagic

      JazzMagic Experienced Member

      Sep 17, 2014
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      Hello, Yoshi/JazzMagic here looking for people to join my 3 year old clan. This clan has been considered a faction as well when it was first formed (on a factions server), but it has moved to Mineverse and has been on here for almost a year now. However, most of the original members from Mineverse have mostly left but a few of us are still here. So if you want to join, fill out this application below:

      Username: (IGN)
      Skype (Required): (You can private message me it if you do not want to post and you also have to have a mic)
      Age (13 + Required):
      Rank: (I prefer donors but if I know you and if you're default then I'll still accept you)
      Why should I accept you:
      PvP Level (1-10): (On Mineverse)

      Current Members:
      - JazzMagic

      - WearySquid



      If you get accepted then I'll explain the rules and whatnot.
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