Just wondering if anyone has the same issue, as i have i play kitpvp2, for a bit and i'm trying to enderpearl away from someone and it doesn't work.. some of the time now most of the time it's working but some random times it doesn't work it just keeps going over the cooldown. Does this happen to anyone else. Edit: Also just to bring up (splash pots) they haven't work on kitpvp2 for ages, can we get this fixed if possible?
Also. It's not just the EPearls. It's also the splaassh pots. I'ma make ad ifferent thing about this.
the comma after eperaling (title) is unnecessarily just to let you know and nah I haven't had this issue, I used to tho
Please elaborate when stating something doesn't work. What's the issue exactly? Do they not throw? Is there no animation? Do they land and you don't get teleported? Same story with the potions what isn't working? Do you not gain any health? No animation? You can't throw them? And don't just answer my comment, put elaborate in the thread as well.
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