This is going to be a quick suggestion, but can we get a room like the smelting rooms in prison for XP bottles. What I mean by this is have a private room, like the smelting rooms in prison. But used for XP, this means you can enter the room and leave when you please. You can use your XP bottles without the worry of other players sneaking up behind you and taking your levels. I have gotten so annoyed by people sneaking up behind me and taking my levels so I get less XP, I believe it would be very easy, just make some rooms that when entered are locked to use your XP bottles. This is VERY annoying and I would like this to be implemented. Thank you for reading, comment ideas and have a nice day .
They were making this at one point, then just stopped. I don't know why they didn't finish, but support.
No Support what is there to smelt? gold ingot already smelted so no support but maybe on the private exp bottle room
No, I wasn't meaning to smelt anything. I was just explaining what I wanted to do with the XP rooms. It would be similar to the smelting rooms in prison in that you go in and only come out when you wish to. This means you can use your XP bottles without people sneaking up and stealing your XP.