Walk out of spawn on kit, or jump off. See 20 people, enderpearl, and then theres 15 behind you. In a 1v1.. beat the kid, but only have 3 hearts. 12 kids come at you. Pop a loser. Everyone runs to loot swoop. Repairing your chestplate, 40 people come outta no where. Arranging your inventory, get dropped by 9 people. Recking a kid and he tp's in all of M@fia. Trying to pearl to spawn, miss, get met by 30 thirsty h*es. Best one is when your reckin a kid and he tps in 9 million hackers and calls you ez
When you have Iron armour and kill a person in diamond armour, then they tell you how good they are and how they wanted to take you easy. Then you kill him again when he was targeting you, and he rage quits.