Well hello whoever is reading this. This is the seventh person I've reported today. It's crazy. But anyways, here we go: Your IGN: BobSheepert Accused Person's IGN: oliverekmann What rule they broke and how: This person broke the rule of not hacking. They were using fast bow and firing at me at light speed with their bow. Evidence: Sadly, I could only get 1 picture this time, because of how fast he killed me. And also because there was obviously punch on this guy's bow, so I was knocked off the hill before I could take another screen shot, but here it is: http://prntscr.com/43wi8t It's not a very good one, but I outlined where his arrows were going. Anyways, I hope justice is sought, and that if you're reading this you have a nice day.
Thank you for the report. The reported player has been banned. This thread as been moved to Reports - Banned.