Ign: ieatwafflez Offenders Ign:M007river Offense: Pressure plate glitching and got me down to 2 hearts doing so Evidence: http://gyazo.com/46d83f4afbf31f7c3fd31edd0b8f60cc http://gyazo.com/2c1a211abc243a6812f17671401983f6
That is 2 screenshots of him trying to escape me by running onto pressure plates i have one more but i dont think it makes a difference http://gyazo.com/e79babfb4ef2e47efabf4598167e6142 Btw he wasn't trying to get out obiously because if he was he would be facing the door and trying to walk out
Pressure plate glitching is when you have you have a pressure plate in hand and please it down. The pressure plate kicks you and you don't lose ur stuff while in combat. This isn't against the rules if it didn't disconnect him...
Hes crouching on it so i couldn't hit him off -_- Thehiddenone143 has proof of him doing it in a vid so just wait till he uploads it
********************************************************************* I witnessed this when a player showed me the glitch first hand in-game, basically standing on the pressure plate gives you resistance 4 and makes you invincible. This counts as abusing a glitch, no? Apologies for hidden content.
**********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************This is a Ban worthy situation. I'm busy at the moment so I can't deal with this.
Thank you for the report. The reported player has been banned. This thread as been moved to Reports - Banned.