Lets be real here no one likes the knockback on kitpvp so I'm suggesting that we remove the knockback from the titan sword and the god sword, literally no one uses the titan and the god swords bc of the kb now imma leave u there with a picture of pitbull.
Support. But that also causes a big factor in the economy of the server because the price of shp5 swords without knockback will drop massively
It really would. Kit Titan swords now go for about $2-5 Sharpness 5 plain swords go for about $50-80 If kit titan swords didnt have kb then there would be an even larger number of them on the server, and a titan would have access to a shp5 sword every 15min. This would mean that sharpness 5 swords won't be as hard to acquire therefore making them cheaper in value
I had no idea regular sharp 5's were worth that much. Still that is no reason to not remove kb from the swords. Most people don't like kb, this would be an improvement.
The only people who use it are the people who want to annoy or are just complete noobs. I agree though. When do you see a DONOR use that? Besides when they die? It's useless to kill someone unless they're in a corner. If you're trying to get combos it's impossible! Support!
I am not going to lie I use the sword here is the reason BAD PING can't combo without good ping Mineverse ping is cancerous I get 20 on others then here comes Mv with 300-200 ping and if I'm lucky I get 180.