Your ing: Ares_Xena Issue: I am commander on kitpvp. Yet my rank is supposed to be god. This issue is only on kitpvp. If someone could change this back that would be great. - Ares_Xena
Did you buy rank god before or after rank commander? If you bought commander AFTER rank god then rank god will be erased. The same problem happened to someone ingame. I'm sorry I couldn't help further :(. Maybe ask someone who has a high rank of authority ingame and maybe they can change it.
Ok, i've heard many with this issue maybe u voted and got the 1/500 lucky free uppgrade( Demote in this case) to commander rank Hope i helped ~layers
layers12 maybe... but if you buy commander after god then you will lose god... ive heard this happening. I think its some sort of bug or glitch... that's never been fixed
I bought rank commander after god. Someone told me you got sharp v prot 4 stuff with it. :/ So basicly I'd like the 500$ back and my god rank on kitpvp. It has happend before, And it has been fixed before so It is possible to fix.