KitPvP1 donator people do not have the correct essentials implanted into the rank in the kitpvp1 settings. As this is my rank, I am talking about the rank God kit, this will be for all over ranks, as I have friends and alts spread through the ranks, none work. This is me trying to get /kit god, I typed a "." in chat to prove rank, then clicked the sign to show the Kit is a actual thing, but whoever made the KitPvP1 forgot to add the correct essentials into the donator ranks permissions list.
There has never been donor kits on kitpvp1, it was made to be EULA compliant. That donor rank list was added when the new map was implemented from archerpvp.
Then why are the kits to do with the same kits on kit2? If you made it obvious on the game mode then people would realise instead of wonder why we don’t have the permissions.
That I cannot answer as I do not have perms to do the stuff, or know why that stuff was done. I'm just letting you know that there's never been donor kits on kitpvp1.