My IGN: DeluxeFTW99 Offender's Name: Sopaster and AlanYT What did they do? Hacked Client and House Trapping When I killed Sopaster in the house I killed him or he disconnected while in combat (hacks) and he dissapeared. 5 seconds later he appears again with full armour which either AlanYT auto-tpaccepted (hacks) or he logged in combat and didn't die (hacks). Oh and that ff is very notorious Evidence: Sopaster, Sucks to Suck :D
if you look towards the end when he respawned it looks like DeluxeFTW99 is hacking cause as soon a he spawned he started hitting. just pointing that out
Let me settle this. @Pile_of_Butts Soposter has auto dis (Maybe aura), And AlanYt is using Huzuni Because of the way his head moves when doing crits and Auto-Tpaccept
Don't see hacks on AlanYT. Banned Sopaster for his auto disc. And you punching as you re-spawn looks like kill aura.. [Banned]
Thank you for the report. The reported player has been banned. This thread as been moved to Reports - Banned.