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  • Kilstreak109 Mineverse Moderator Application

    Discussion in 'Moderator Applications' started by kilstreak109, Nov 30, 2013.


    Should I become a moderator?

    1. yes

    2. no

      0 vote(s)
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    1. kilstreak109

      kilstreak109 Active Member

      Nov 30, 2013
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      I am 13 years of age. I have been playing Minecraft for two years.
      My minecraft IGN is kilstreak109
      I am in the Eastern Time zone for America and Canada
      I live in The United States of America
      I am a male
      I can speak English, Latin, little bit of French, little bit of Spanish and a littler bit of Mandarin
      I think I should be a moderator because I have experience, I have owned a server before and it went very well, I play a lot, I love to play on this server and have some ideas for the server. I love to interact with the community of players on the server and I love to play the Sky Wars on the server. I am a good builder (my friends rate me an 8 out of ten) and I think I could help. I can code a little in Java as well.
      I can be active for a an hour each day on weekends and about 10 minutes on weekdays. (I am working on a Survival Games map for the public)
      I have been playing on Mineverse since July 15, 2013 and I love it so much
      I have owned a SMP server, Owned a Survival Games server, Admin on Ultimate Craft, and Helper on a few other servers that have been down the drain. I was also an Admin on Kuusou craft (closed) and Golden Labyrinth. I might also become a Helper for RVG. I hope I can add this server to the list
    2. Laura_or_is_it

      Laura_or_is_it Well-Known Member

      Oct 12, 2013
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      Could you make the questions in bold? This would make it easier to read. Goodluck ^_^
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