My ingame name is BLAZExSTORM The offenders ingame name is Kevinha03 As you know the rules of hopper and minecart loot out of people`s locked chests are against the rules, however this player has been doing it to multiple people and i finnaly got a screenshot proof of him doing it. Please bann this rulebreaker.
It doesn`t look like he is walking around -_- Look carefully he is standing there with no minecart and then he places and then looks down on it. And no i have no more screenshots.
If u played skygrid you would know this is against the rules, the chest don`t open. The point is u put a hopper minecart under the chest and this takes stuff out and chests and puts it in the minecart hopper. People do this to take stuff out of a protected chest which is not allowed. You can ask another mod for help if you are not sure.
You can`t open the chest... He just used a hopper minecart which is seen in the screenshots. This is against the rules. btw just wondering can i report a report if it gets rejected?
Also you griefed me and looted my chests with a hopper minecart so Sorry but I don't care about this report
Thank you for the report. The reported player has been banned. This thread as been moved to Reports - Banned.