Shout out to the Drama Alert Squad for ANOTHER successful Raid!!!! We raided the faction "KeemStar" and found out that they even had ILLEGAL and HACKED Items in their chests!!!! (we decided to let clear lag take care of the barriers and glass panes;>) That's right!! so the question is.... who was hacking? Guys if you love drama alert, make sure to comment down below. Drama Alert Factions now over 1 million 300 thousand, Subscribers...
sorry I didn't mean that I meant op players I'm half asleep @Chain & @Linkin Park = hackers confirmed
you could at least make me feel accomplished ;-; lol but then again we have more factions to take over ;)
Did you leave a skeleton there? A skeleton is trying to kill me and I kill it but it just respawns instantly.
Hacked clients can spawn them in... good thing here they can be broken... its a problem in bedwars or other game modes where you can place but not break. yeah lmao we left the spawners so they all spawned in. @CypriotMerks added a plugin called merged mobs. so basically there can bee 100 skellys as one entity to save lag.