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  • Kase // Tader ✌️

    Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by PotatoYourDad, May 4, 2016.

    1. PotatoYourDad

      PotatoYourDad Active Member

      Jan 5, 2016
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      Hello my name is Kase but a lot of you call me by my nick names Tader / Potato :)

      This will be a pretty short rant about mineverse and how I feel.

      Lately I have been thinking about leaving mineverse. Mineverse is not the same as it use to be for me ( it's still fun sometimes )

      Anyway I have really been thinking hard about this. When ever I get on mineverse people just call hacks on me I have been banned from the pvp servers Kitpvp,Oppvp these two servers were my best servers. My ping is pretty bad to mineverse that when I'm lagging no one can tell if I'm hacking so anyway I think this will be it.

      I don't really know how many of you people out there will even care if I leave this is why I have made this thread to see If people still want me around or not. If I do end up leaving I will miss all my besties/friends very much and will not forget all the great times we have had.

      Thanks everyone for reading this

      If you are wondering my ign is TADER

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