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  • Justin’s Premium Giveaway (January)

    Discussion in 'Giveaways & Competitions' started by Justin, Jan 9, 2021.

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    1. Justin

      Justin justin Premium

      Jul 16, 2020
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      Hello everyone! I will host a monthly Forums Premium giveaway. The winner(s) of each giveaway receives One Month of the color of your choice. This will recur every first of the month. (Yes I am a little late for January) The winner(s) of this month will be announced on the 31st of January at 6pm EST.

      How To Enter: It's extremely easy. I just want you to comment below the answer to a random question. That way you enter your forums account while also sparking conversation with other mineverse users. :)

      This month, I would like you all to comment about your favorite song at the moment. Whether it be one that you’ve enjoyed for years or just started listening to, let us know!

      Ex.) Hello, my favorite song at the moment is Wish Me Luck by Wallows. Good luck! : )

      - There will be two winners.
      - If you won last month, then you are unfortunately not eligible to participate this month.

      Thanks for participating, I can't wait to announce this months winner(s).

      If you have any questions regarding thegiveaway please DM me on discord (Justin <3#0001).
    2. sabrina

      sabrina Discord Moderator Discord Moderator Premium

      Dec 29, 2015
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      at the moment it's not possible to gift forums premium, so Justin has requested this givaway to be closed for now.

      Thread locked on request.
      If you disagree to this action, please report this post, and a moderator or administrator will reconsider it.

      Kind regards,
      The Staff
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