I am tired of having to reply to so many threads and questions about what the hell a DDoS or a DoS is. It's quite simple and lot of people think they know but you know nothing at all. Definition of DDoS: Distributed Denial of Service Attack (DDoS) Definition. A denial of service (DoS) attack is a malicious attempt to make a server or a network resource unavailable to users, usually by temporarily interrupting or suspending the services of a host connected to the Internet. A DDoS attack is multiple servers attacking a IP address. Your IP address is what shows to the world who you are. If you are being DDoSed you won't come online or have any internet access till the attack is over with or you change your IP. I am not going to discuss on how to change your IP in this talk. Anyways, a lot of people say a DDoS attack is multiple people ddosing at the same time. Well nobody does that poop anymore because all you do is either purchase a Stresser/booter or purchase your own servers it's so simple it's crazy. You can DoS from your computer but you can easily be caught ( Not like the FBI or Police give any poop about a DoS or DDoS attack that is ) What to do if you do get DDoSed? Tell your Parent or Guardian to call the ISP ( Internet Service Provider ) and tell them what's going on and ask for a IP Change and that should solve your issue. So the servers on Mineverse and many other servers got DDoSed and we couldn't get on that's why it has been down lately. Now a discussion of accounts were leaked. That was 21 days ago and I doubt anyones account is on it and if it is then change your password but nobody here needs to go change there pass I am not going to and don't have a plan for it. My account is secured and migrated to Mojang I have security questions on the account and have a Good password that looks similar to this: xI3IZDisgpWdSqw So it's very encrypted to a extent, If someone did change my password I click forget password and boom sent to my email a recovery link and I change it something else. No need to go change it now if you aren't a target. So anyways hope this clears some poop up. /discuss
Well, you seem a bit agitated, but I don't care, I absolutely love how you explained it. I already know how to change my IP, and have one installed, just in case one happens, but always forgot I can talk to the ISP. Thanks for the advisory and reminder, Daddy
Good thread but: "My account is secured and migrated to Mojang I have security questions on the account and have a Good password that looks similar to this: xI3IZDisgpWdSqw" Is highly bad to do. "account is secured and migrated to Mojang" This is the worst thing you can actually do as all a hacker needs now is to figure out your email address and that's two birds with one stone, currently people need to figure out what my email address for my account is and my Mojang account, as they will email me my password. "Good password that looks similar to this: xI3IZDisgpWdSqw"" Debatable, a password wont stop you from getting DDoSed, however if you do button-mash a password, don't have the same character twice in a row & avoid ABC123DEF456 etc, it cannot have a pattern as these things are the first things to flag for a brute-force. Aside from this, it's perfect, I highly suggest you read this thoroughly, as Daddy knows what he's on about.
I never stated a password would help you not get ddosed fyi, A hacker needs just the email but then would have to go into the email to use the link so not just have your account secure have your email secure as well.
All in All this is very informative… HOWEVER DDoS is when someone infects computers or a server with a virus your definition is perfect but that is the only thing you forgot