Rant/Suggestion Soooo you made dirt trading illegal... and don't allow us to silk touch mycelium or grass... or even drop dirt. This is skyblock, not prison. What are you trying to accomplish? Making dirt exclusive to donors? Getting rid of island farming? Here's an idea... Add a cooldown to restart islands rather than banning half the server if they happen to approach a dirt block. Even better, if you prefer, take the code from the old skyblock and just implement that... Increasing the cooldown every time you restart an island. Or if you prefer, just let us silk grass and dirt. I'm pretty damn sure island farmers won't go through the trouble of turning their dirt to grass for a few bucks. And if you think they will, then just let donors silk it... I strongly doubt the majority of island farmers are donors. Thanks.
Well then just add the cooldown and allow dirt trade, forget about the silk thing xD And alts are usually nonrank anyways :P
Support, I don't see why you'd need to reset your island a lot anyway so I don't think anyone will be missing out :/