Here are the top voters for the month of June: mqnu_ - 92 votes x_XStrafezX_x - 91 votes PancakeCottage - 91 votes asianmf - 90 votes ShaD0wZzZ - 90 votes Not_Lander - 90 votes DumpstrDiver - 90 votes BDON33 - 90 votes __DarkFire__ - 90 votes FaceShooter88 - 90 votes Congratulations to all of our gift card winners! We appreciate all that have voted for your patience and for the continued support <3 Vote now @, & http://vote3.mineverse.comGift card codes are now distributed in your ./mail on Creative! Make sure to save the code when you read! Pm me if you have any issues/questions.
thank you! it is my pleasure to be voting everyday for this great server and looking to continue for many more! loving the positivity and all the congratulations, really made my day :D thanks janice for the message for the code where I barely had to wait! -asianmf