Hey everyone! I'm recruiting people if they would like to be in my party! Rules of the party: Have Fun! If you want to join answer these questions down below 1. You have to beat me in a diamond armor diamond axe pvp 1v1. Ill spply the stuff for you if you don't have it 2. I need your age 3. Active at least 30 minutes a day? That would be great 4. You have to have a timezone close to eastern 5. Donors and C B A Prisoners have a better chance of joining ( Not a rule ) 6.Please be mature. 7. Repeat 1 2 3 4 and 6 again cause im blind 8. Don't do Step 7.
~Viper Ill tell you on the forums, and if u get accepted find me on prison or any other server. Remind me that I accepeted you Peace out -SwaggyBoy