Hi can someone help me i dont know why i can't jitterclick if i use my left hand i can easily jitterclick but if i use my right hand it doesn't work i dont know why and if i try with my right hand my muscles hurt can someone help me pls?
You only need to get about 10 clicks per second. Minecraft only registers 4 hits per second, so the faster you click isn't going to affect the damage you deal of how fast you deal damage.
Look up videos on YouTube about it. Find a position you like and sit there for a few days and just practice. When you first start jitterclicking you'll be practicing and then you'll stutter with the clicks, by this I mean when you're clicking you'll randomly stop and start again. To fix this you need to practice, once you've got your clicking down you'll have to work on the hardest part of the whole thing... Aiming. That's the hardest part of jitter clicking. To get good at aiming you need to go out in a PvP situation and try it until you've got it down, it can take anywhere from a week to a month all depends. You may need to find your desired sensitivity too, you don't want to jitter and have your mouse shaking around and moving on your screen. You also don't wanna be clicking and be trying to aim and pick up your mouse, so pretty much look up some videos and practice.
I can max 120 clicks in ten seconds, just start with a clicker (https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/23665793/ - ten second click program) and then like Cobalt said start applying it to minecraft.
When did you become a jitter god? LOL I can click regular 8cps but jittering i can go up to 12 but I stay with 10 for the better, and what's your ign?
So dramatic about a video game pvp. I don't know if I should laugh or be sad. ://////////////////////