jarroyonaples' Q&A! Go ahead and ask anything. I'll answer all of them ;) The FAQ's will appear below :p
I have a list for you Jarroy. Why were you gone? Why did you have F's? Why did you tell your sister to use your alt account to keep up with the "forum's gossip?" Were you upset that I got staff? How are you today? :3
Inbox since some of it is personal >.> Derp Technically in a philosophical view, time itself is an illusion as we all percieve things in different manners at different times. In relation to today, yesterday and tomorrow. I think what you mean to day is "today is yesterdays tomorrow" which is a highly logical sequence. if we place more description into it, it is much like saying yesterday was tuesday today is wednesday tomorrow is thursday If today was tuesday,tomorrow would be wednesday. Today is not tuesday, today is wednesday, and yesterday was tuesday. Therefore, today is yesterdays tomorrow. Does this make any sense?
I was expecting some educated response but no. I got an explanation of something I didn't ask. But good job tho lol.