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  • SA Jack`s Moderator Application (Not Copied)

    Discussion in 'Moderator Applications' started by Inakipgamer, Apr 18, 2016.


    what date is it?

    Poll closed Apr 25, 2016.
    1. 19.4.2016

      0 vote(s)
    2. 18.8.2016

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    3. 18.4.2016

      4 vote(s)
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    1. Inakipgamer

      Inakipgamer Active Member

      Feb 9, 2016
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      Hi My name is Jack and i live the EU with my family and my dog. I am currently 12 years old.
      My hair is blonde and my eyes are green.
      Some people maybe knows me from the Server.
      And i would thank you guys that is looking at my mod app

      What is your in-game name?
      My in-game name is currently Tit4anDestroyer.
      Some of my other usernames are: Boycraft11, BoyCraftGaMing, KSI_123, Jimmy 1885.
      That is all the usernames i have and have had!

      What timezone are you in?
      I am currently in the EU timezone (ETC:16.27)

      What country do you live in?

      I live in Norway in the Europe.

      What languages do you speak?
      I speak almost fluent English and fluent Norwegian.

      Do you have any necessary means of capturing evidance? (i.e. recording software, screenshots, etc)
      I have bandicam witch i use to record evidance with.
      Why do you think you should become a mod?

      The main reason I thought of, is the time-zone difference. We have a lot of US-American and Australian moderators, but we don't have as many European moderators to take care of the night life of this server. People often told me to apply for mod, but I never ended up successful. On skywars, my favourite gamemode we do often need moderators to ban hackers, spam-bots, or even harassers. Because of the main reasons above, I would like to help to take over a part of this huge responsibility. As another point, I would like to prove myself to some people as a good person. I would like to make good what I have done wrong. Make faults good again is really important to me.
      I still got some other traits, which will help you to get to know me better:

      One of my best personalities is being respectful to other players. I am a calm person, who knows where the boundaries are. I am respectful to everybody, unless if I recognize misbehaviour or intolerance towards other people.
      Honestly is the key in life. It makes people easier to decide if to trust in somebody or not. I don't see the point of lying, because lying is one of the worst things you can do in life. If I've ever lied, I regret it soon after. I learned from that. So please people, I tell you, lying won't help you much in life. My friends know me as a honest person either, I often share my honest opinion with them.​

      I played Mineverse for two and a half years now. I know some parts of the community well and I guess I am really experienced on forums either. I have moderated on a little server already and it went well. Moderating is an opportunity not everybody gets, and one of the most relevant reason for not getting that chance is inexperience. ​

      "How the hell can you be so vile?!", this sentence (said by my dad after an argument), made me think of my situation. When I was smaller, I honestly used to be impolite and lying. I have changed. I worked hard on my personality the last years and I think I changed. Courtesy helps you to get a job in your further life. Courtesy is another key to be successful. Meanwhile I got used to talk polite to people (except they are my friends :D).

      I never am contented with myself. I always try to make things better, even when my boundaries are reached already. This helps a lot to improve my way of behaviour, my appearance.

      I will try to be friendly to those of our server, because I can imagine how far a rude staff would come. Friendliness counts to politeness, both of them are almost the same. I also got a lot of friends on the server, who I can trust. Well, how did I manage to get this much friends? Right. It's my way of being friendly.
      I will help new and old players with the fullest of my capability.

      No abusive word said to me, has ever taken me down. I've never taken them personally. I always am calm (or at least try to be :p). Being quiet and calm is a trait I am known for. I don't talk much, which gets explained by the amout of messages I have written during the time on the forums. So, how can calmness help me with moderating? Calmness is cooperating with not-being-agressive. Now imagine an agressive moderator. Who keeps muting and banning people for the most little sh*t. I keep calm, especially in tough times. This means, I can work efficiently when I am under pressure too.

      You can find out if you're mature, if these following points are matching to you:
      Not abusive (or agressive).
      For example I don't judge people by their looks, but by their personalities.
      I've got a sense of humor, meaning I'm not a deadly serious human being.

      I am a very determined person. If i start doing something, I try my best to finish it. This trait is important for being a moderator. As a moderator you will have to keep doing things, which are important at a time. If you leave stuff behind, halfly done, you will not get far at all.

      I am a fast-typing person. Typing fast is necessary with fast replies to a helping person. I Also do my best to write correctly. If a person type fast, grammatical errors may occure most likely. I am working on this to be prevented. When finding any grammatical error im my application, please make sure to tell me.

      I used to be an outcast at my school.
      I know how it isl to be a not-liked person. I know how it is to be bullied. Being bullied day 'n' nite. Being cyber-bullied. Having fear to go to school every morning. With this trait I can empathize myself into bullied players online. I can tell them tips how to get along, I can help them. When you get that 'thank you' from any person, doesn't it feel wonderful? I love helping people. <---- Simply and easily stated here.

      Time Zone
      My time zone. My time zone is really rare for the server. This server needs more European mods, due to the reason that this server is active at night too. There are not many people online at my time (about 100-400), but we need to care about them aswell.

      [EDIT]: Skywars is a gamemode I often experience kill aura, anti-knockback, and similar other unauthorized modifications on. I would like to help at that point, it is badly needed. Moderators rarely join skywars; we can say, that gamemode fell into anarchy. Donators got more 'rights' above normal people and I would like to try to change that, I'd mainly try to help on Skywars. Skywars turned into a way of hierarchy:
      New players at the bottom, Titans at the top. Also, the amount of 'shoppers' (that's how people call them) is sadly overwhelming.

      How long can you be active on the server everyday?
      I can come online around 4-7 hours online every weekdays on forums and server equally.
      On the weekends I usually go out with my family or friends,
      therefore I'm not sure how long I can be online every day. Nevertheless I will try to come online as much as I am capable of.
      [IMPORTANT] It might happen, that I will go away on vacations, where I will not be able to use my laptop, but my phone. It might happen that I won't be in reach of any internet for a week or two. This is usually in Summer, when I go visit my grandparents.

      Next skiing vacations:
      24th March - 2nd April
      I will not be able to come online often in those 6 days, but I will try my best.
      I'll see if I will have internet connection in my hotel, so I can be online on forums.
      Excuse me for that.

      How long can you be active on the server everyday?
      I can mostly be online for 2-3 hours everyday unless wednesday because then i am going to school to play with my friends.

      Have you been banned in the past? (Forums & In-Game)
      Yes i have been banned once on parkour for using a parkour hack but i dont hack anymore.
      Wich i think is really good!

      How long have you been playing on mineverse? (PS: i forgot this further up)
      I have been playing on mineverse since 18.4.2014.

      Do you have any past experience as a mod?
      No i have never been a mod before so it will be really fun if i could be one for the first time!

      Thanks for looking at my mod app!

      ~Jack out...
    2. mattenphew

      mattenphew Head Moderator Head Moderator Media Team Leader Competition Team Premium

      Jan 23, 2015
      Likes Received:
      No support
      Be more active
      What has the date got to do with anything
      Colours are too bright
    3. SpartanDoesPvP

      SpartanDoesPvP Experienced Member

      Sep 12, 2015
      Likes Received:
      Date voting part.
      It's Month Day Year not
      Day Month Year.

    4. Benko

      Benko Boss Member

      Aug 12, 2014
      Likes Received:
      No support
    5. Inakipgamer

      Inakipgamer Active Member

      Feb 9, 2016
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      SpartanDoesPvP can you tell me what Neitrak meen?
    6. Inakipgamer

      Inakipgamer Active Member

      Feb 9, 2016
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    7. cuban

      cuban Experienced Member

      Sep 23, 2015
      Likes Received:
      Alright, you may have not copied it off of a Mineverse application but it's copied from another Website:

      No support, make your own application.
    8. babyboynitro

      babyboynitro Experienced Member

      Sep 9, 2015
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    9. Squidy424

      Squidy424 Active Member

      Apr 14, 2016
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      So sad... (Sad Violin Music)
    10. Flazer

      Flazer Boss Member

      Dec 30, 2014
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      Thread locked for failure to adhere to forum rules and responsibilities.
      If you disagree to this action, please report this post, and a moderator or administrator will reconsider it.

      Kind regards,
      The Staff
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