On September 9th, 2014 I was banned from the forums for advertising a server. I have appealed twice on September 18th (denied) and November 29th and the appeal is STILL PENDING! It has been pending for FIVE MONTHS! I could have reported so many hackers and made several suggestions to help Mineverse. The reason I was banned because I was hosting a fun parkour tourny and I made a temp private server for the tourny. I posted my ip into a spoiler WITH a disclaimer saying that the server was private and not used to advertise. The worst part is I got banned by CypriotMerks which he is never on and when he was I messaged him and he didn't do anything. He did accept nor deny my appeal, I doubt he looked at it! I didn't mean to advertise in the way that is bad, I wasn't trying to draw players away from Mineverse. Mineverse is actually one of my favorite servers and I don't want the community to go away to another server. If I get banned for ban evading, then I honestly don't care. I've been following the rules for a VERY long time and what do I get? Break one little rule, get perma-banned and get disregarded by the co-owner CypriotMerks when I put a lot of effort into my ban appeal. Heck, when appeals were visible, I seen people who made half-effort appeals and still get accepted. I'm done ranting but I want this thing to stop because I'm pissed about waiting five months to have my appeal get noticed. - Yoshi5051
I'd like to say your appeal will be looked at and even considered, but unfortunately that hasn't been the case and your language here will not help you any. If you have any hope of being unbanned I would edit this post as fast as possible and I will link this to the appropriate person to help you.
Okay I edited it, I'm just fed up with this whole thing, I've been waiting so long. And I still haven't got answers and this was my last resort. I used the profanity to try to show how angry I am.
I feel for you. I know what its like to have something not dealt with for such a long time. Just be patient, I know it isn't much to go on, but its all that I can offer.
I'm hoping a staff member sees this and asks Cyp to look at my appeal. If I get denied then I'll be happy that I finally got an answer.
Not calling you out, the situation hasn't been handled yet, so I thought he didn't answer. Don't get mad. :bitenails:
What's funny is that you act like that's something new. Lol He knows about it. He can chose to deal with it or let it stay there, but I did try. Also I'm not 'mad' I just don't care for your attempts to make me look like some sort of idiot. If Cyp was still not on Skype I wouldn't have sent it there. While I appreciate you helping this kid out, I don't need you telling me Cyp doesn't use Skype when we have been speaking on there for weeks. Anyway, still wish you luck Yoshi.
I do not wish for an arguement... I wouldn't know, so I attempted to let you know that if he wasn't answering; he would most likely answer through Steam. Alright though, Mario?
Thank you to everyone who is supporting this, hopefully this will catch Cyp's attention. Edit: Pop bumped up my appeal.
We can't unban people from the forums, you have to do it :( http://www.mineverse.com/members/yoshi5051.5899/ this is his original account.
You have been unbanned in game(to the best of my knowledge). However only @CypriotMerks can unban your forums account from the admin panel. You can't access the profile because only mods+ have access to view perm-banned profiles.